The result is available also in a graphics presentation. The SN-curve shows the graphics for the selected row.
In our example we have the first row active and select the SN-curve icon from the Short Cut Tool Bar, picture 1.
Picture 1: S-N curves shortcut key selection.
The curve for the design capacity and the load are in different colours. The load curve is under the capacity curve, which means that the design criteria is fulfilled.
The result is summarized on the left side. The design criterium is evaluated as true. The utilization of the fatigue capacity is 96 %. This means that all the fatigue capacity is utilized, only 4% load increase (or reduction in fatigue strength) is allowable.
You can use the mouse to zoom in and out in the diagram or use the Range and Domain settings.
Picture 2: S-N curve.
The Design computation is thereby completed and we return to the main window again.
Use the Menu/File--Save and save your results. The entire Calculation sheet is saved with also several rows of design computations.
Picture 3: The main window with our example on the active first row in the calculation sheet.
We have saved the Design Calculation as "my_first_computation.fatc". This first easy example is thereby done.
Before you leave this guide, please, have also a look at an advanced example.