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Design Criteria

Finally it remains to check the design criteria. In the criteria, the left side of the formula describes the fatigue load on the structure and the right side the fatigue load capacity of the structure. The final step in this computation checks the design criteria and tells you the result.

Picture 1: Design Criteria

Picture 1: Design Criteria.

In our example, we can state that we have a positive result, the fatigue load capacity of the point we are looking at is 209 MPa an it is slightly higher than the fatigue load of 200 MPa.

Picture 2: Design Criteria guide

Picture 2: Design Criteria guide.

We name this Design Calculation as "my_first_computation" and select Save and close.

The Design computation is thereby completed and we return to the main window again.

Use the Menu/File--Save and save your results. The entire Calculation sheet is saved with also several rows of design computations.

Picture 3: The main window, row 1 is the first computations data and result.

Picture 3: The main window, row 1 is the first computations data and result.

The next step is to have a look at the result in graphics. The guide for the SN-curves.