There are two factors to consider, the partial safety factor regarding the load and the partial factor regarding the failure risk.
The partial safety factor for the load is in our example set to 1.0, which is the default value, picture 1. Depending on the uncertainty in the load assumptions and the risk of overloading the structure by a fatigue load you may consider selecting a higher value.
Picture 1: Partial safety factor regarding the load
For the partial factor regarding failure risk there is a Fetch, that will support you further in selecting the value, picture 2.
Picture 2: Fetch partial safety factor regarding the fracture risk.
The Fetch partial safety factor regarding the fracture risk is quite conservatively in our example chosen to 1.32, an approximate failure risk of 1 failure in 100 000 structures.
Picture 3: Partial Safety Factors Guide completed.
When we click on next the guide for the angular and axial misalignment correction factor will appear as it is the next step.