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FATcomp Version 0.1.0

Version: 0.1.0

Status: Early access, Alpha

Date of release: 2017-09-04 (preliminary)

Brief: First early access version to be publicly released

Release notes

This is the first early access version of FATcomp to be publicly released.

We are still relatively early in development of what we would like FATcomp to be. Yet we feel that the software is in a state in which it provides useful functionality for students, engineers and businesses. We also feel that we are in a state where we would appreciate feedback on our product. Early access users are supporting and directing the best development of FATcomp.

Please be aware of potential bugs in this early stage.

New Features

These are the main features included in this early access version 0.1.0 of FATcomp

Bug fixes

Please be aware of potential bugs in this early stage.

(This is the first publicly available version of FATcomp)


(This is the first publicly available version of FATcomp)

Known issues

This list of known issues will be continuously updated